i'm not sure what the song actually was. i think i just searched "epic rock music" or some shit on a sound file website. believe it or not i made that game for a class during freshman year of high school from a dream i'd had one night of a pink elephant in a cave town. i wish i had some way of still being able to play it or put it somewhere.
I played that game before it was removed. I liked it. Too bad it was removed... :(
It;s probably because you used a song by Pendulum. NG is getting crazy about cophyright laws in nowadays.
I have a question. In main menu of that game, after clicking something there was a fragment of some rock song. What song it was?
PS: Sorry for mah bad english. :)
i'm not sure what the song actually was. i think i just searched "epic rock music" or some shit on a sound file website. believe it or not i made that game for a class during freshman year of high school from a dream i'd had one night of a pink elephant in a cave town. i wish i had some way of still being able to play it or put it somewhere.